Fish jumping up a salmon run at Milt Brandt Visitor Center

Sonoma County Birding: Milt Brandt Visitor Center (Lake Sonoma)

Last week, we visited Lake Sonoma to bird around the Milt Brandt Visitor Center and Warm Springs Fish Hatchery.
The weather was downright spring-like, and we enjoyed a bevy of morning birds in the parking lot. Among them, a shy Varied Thrush adorned a pine tree, attempting to stay motionless and undetected.

Varied Thrush perched in pine tree at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Varied Thrush

The ponds teemed with ducks – an assemblage of Anatidae!

Group of mixed ducks - American Wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, Common Goldeneye, Common Merganser - in pond at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
American Wigeons, Ring-necked Ducks, Common Mergansers, and a Common Goldeneye

We spied a lone male Northern Pintail among the group, looking regal as always.

Male Northern Pintail with American Wigeon and female Mallard in pond at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Northern Pintail w/ American Wigeons and one female Mallard
American Wigeon in pond at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
American Wigeon

Now, wait a second. One of these Ring-necked Ducks isn’t actually a Ring-necked Duck! Can you tell which one??

Ring-necked Ducks with one Lesser Scaup in pond at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
🎶 One of these things is not like the others 🎶 One of these things just doesn’t belong 🎶

A Lesser Scaup was hanging out with the group!

Male Lesser Scaup in pond at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Lesser Scaup

Two Belted Kingfishers zipped by back and forth above the channel between the Visitor Center and the hatchery, calling all the while.

Female Belted Kingfisher perched on branch over a pond at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Belted Kingfisher

Then, from our vantage point on the bridge above the channel, we heard a grand commotion below.

At least four Ruby-crowned Kinglets alarmed intensely, with red crowns exposed. We observed them a while, but didn’t spot any predators around and never determined the source of their agitation. Perhaps they were simply arguing amongst themselves.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet perched on skinny branch at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Ruby-crowned Kinglet

As we walked toward the spillway, a handful of Double-crested Cormorants flew in wide circles before returning to perch in a tree.

Double-crested Cormorant flying overhead against blue sky at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Double-crested Cormorant

This American Wigeon gave us a great look at its striking white belly and underwing.

American Wigeon flying overhead against blue sky at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
American Wigeon
Great Blue Heron flying in for a landing on the concrete at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Great Blue Heron and its shadow

As we settled in for a picnic, a very interested party landed directly above our heads on a low-hanging branch.

Man holding a carrot looking up in front of a picnic table in the grass at a Steller's Jay in a tree at Milt Brandt Visitor Center
Who will win this staring contest?

Our picnic-crasher remained close by the whole time, occasionally imitating a Red-shouldered Hawk call – as if that would scare us away!

Steller's Jay perched on a branch at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Steller’s Jay

A California Scrub-Jay lurked nearby as well, though not so conspicuously.

California Scrub-Jay standing on the leaf litter ground at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
California Scrub-Jay

Not a second after we finally packed up, our Steller’s friend hopped down to inspect our table.

Steller's Jay standing on a picnic table at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Sorry buddy, no crumbs for you!

During our picnic, we also spotted an intergrade Northern Flicker. Below, you can see the brown face and red nape mark of a Yellow-shafted variety; however, when it flew we saw red-shafted feathers.

Northern Flicker intergrade showing brown face and red nape perched on a branch at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Northern Flicker intergrade

Speaking of woodpeckers, this pretty female Nuttall’s gave us a nice look at eye level.

Nuttall's Woodpecker clinging to tree trunk at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Nuttall’s Woodpecker

Since 1980, the Warm Springs Hatchery has raised Steelhead Trout to release back into a tributary of the Russian River. In the early 2000’s, the Hatchery implemented the Coho Broodstock Recovery Program to help conserve the endangered Coho as well.
Not only do the grounds of the Milt Brandt Visitor Center and surrounding hatchery provide a wonderfully birdy habitat, but it’s fun to learn about and see these fish as well.

Group of fish swimming in a salmon run at Milt Brandt Visitor Center
A view of the channel

The seven-stepped fish ladder is a fun spot to observe the unfolding drama of fish leaping through rushing water, desperately trying to reach the next level. It looked quite exhausting, to say the least.

Fish jumping up a salmon run at Milt Brandt Visitor Center
Steelhead Trout jumping up the first step of the ladder… only six more to go!

We set out to leave after a fantastic day of birds and fish, but not before peeking once more at the Ring-necked Ducks because they’re just so neat. We managed to capture this one running across the water just before take-off!

Ring-necked Duck female running across pond at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Ring-necked Duck
Ring-necked Duck male swimming in pond at Milt Brandt Visitor Center at Lake Sonoma
Ring-necked Duck

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