House Wren singing with mouth open while perched on skinny branch against green background

Our 10 Favorite Bird Audio Recordings From 2020

Recording bird sounds has a been a source of great joy for us, as well as a boon to our birding-by-ear skills. First, making a recording forces us to listen intentionally for much longer than we may have otherwise, which helps commit vocalizations to memory. Then, uploading audio to The Macaulay Library allows us to revisit a recording with the helpful visual addition of its corresponding spectrogram.
In 2020, we uploaded 270 audio recordings to our eBird checklists. We picked our favorites to compile this Top 10 list, presented in chronological order. We hope you enjoy them! Continue reading “Our 10 Favorite Bird Audio Recordings From 2020”

Hungry Fledgling Steller’s Jays

Back in March, a pair of Steller’s Jays began building a nest just feet from our living room sliding glass door. Over several days, we eagerly watched as the pair engaged in construction. But, ultimately, the pair abandoned that particular DIY project – we suspected they opted to nest somewhere deeper in the dense patch of woods next to the house. Continue reading “Hungry Fledgling Steller’s Jays”

Spotted Towhee with tail cocked up perched on a branch in Sonoma County Bay Area Northern California

1-Mile Radius Discoveries

When the COVID-19 shelter-in-place order was initially issued back in March and the county parks subsequently shut down, it became clear to us that non-essential travel was prohibited. Since we interpreted driving to see birds as sadly non-essential, we knew we had a lot of neighborhood-birding in store! Continue reading “1-Mile Radius Discoveries”

25 Birds of the Redwood Forest & Russian River (Spring Edition)

Coast redwoods and douglas-firs dominate our home patch near the Russian River in Northern California. A short distance from our front door, we can view the river from above and can also access a fire road that winds through the mixed evergreen forest. With spring breeding season in full swing, we wanted to share some species we’re fortunate to observe on a typical walk. Continue reading “25 Birds of the Redwood Forest & Russian River (Spring Edition)”

Hairy Woodpecker male perched on tree trunk covered in moss in Guerneville California

A Walk in Our Redwoods

We’re always attuned to the bird activity at our house, but since our beloved pup died this past October, it’s been hard to take long walks in the surrounding woods without our boy. But, needing to stay near home and away from others, we’ve mustered up the nerve to face bittersweet reminders and start exploring again.
Just a short walk from our front door is a county fire road that winds through the mixed evergreen forest. We very rarely cross paths with anyone up there, so it fits the bill perfectly for getting a dose of nature while practicing social isolation. Continue reading “A Walk in Our Redwoods”