California Towhee: Mates for Life

Happy Day 4 of California Towhee Week! California Towhees mate for life, forming socially monogamous and lifelong pair bonds – an endearing fact that adds to their charm.
Below are photos from December 2018 of a resident pair that lived outside our house for years. One towhee picked seeds above, keeping a watchful eye as its mate kicked and sifted through the redwood duff and dirt below.

California Towhee picking seeds on a branch in Northern California
Resident Cal Towhee #1
Resident Cal Towhee #2

We loved seeing this pair around, reliably in close proximity to each other. Imagine our dismay when one morning, we woke up to the male singing. As we mentioned yesterday, the California Towhee song is performed almost exclusively by unmated males attempting to attract a mate. That spelled bad news for his partner – what happened to her?!
Listen below to this recording of him singing from January 2019 – beware, it goes for 12 minutes!

As the days wore on, we felt increasingly sad and discouraged for our newly single Cal Towhee. He sang daily and incessantly for months, until finally, on April 30, we heard the glorious sound we’d been waiting for – the specialized California Towhee vocalization referred to as the “duet squeal.” This interaction call is only performed by a mated pair, and was a clear sign that our widower(?) had finally found a new mate! Amazingly, we witnessed this brand new pair collecting nesting material that very evening.
The excited interaction call is typically heard when paired birds reunite after having been away from each other, even if only a short distance apart. According to one study, this duet call “takes place dozens of times a day by way of reaffirming the attachment of the two birds for each other.”**
Listen below to an example of this duet – one of our favorite vocalizations because of what it represents.

The below photo is of a California Towhee molting its head feathers in late August. Boy, a pair bond must be strong when the two birds stick together while looking like this! Truly committed through thick and “thin”!

California Towhee without head feathers during molting on the ground in Sonoma County California
California Towhee version of “me without makeup”

We love the concept that some bird species mate for life. Observing these pairs residing in the same territory for years is a joy. The thought of a pair side by side, building a nest, raising young, then surviving the winter months before doing it all over again truly warms the heart.
Have you heard this joyous interaction call around your house or out in the field before?

If you’re interested in more about California Towhees, check out the rest of the series!

Day 1: It’s National California Towhee Week: Let’s Celebrate!

Day 2: California Towhee: Subtle Beauty

Day 3: California Towhee: What Are You Saying?

Day 5: California Towhee: Two Broods Are Better Than One!

Day 6: California Towhee: The “Birb” Factor

Day 7: California Towhee: Friend of the Fox

** Reference: Marshall, J. T. (1964c). Voice in communication and relationships among brown towhees. Condor 66:345-356.

13 thoughts on “California Towhee: Mates for Life

  1. Yes, I think I have heard that call! Do they stay in the same territory for life, barring unforeseen events?

    1. Hi Maria! Cal Towhees are non-migratory, but according to a couple studies, some birds may temporarily move to a lower elevation during the winter months, particularly if it begins snowing. The longest study we read about was for 5 years and the pairs all stayed in the same area the entire time.

  2. Thank you for posting this! I recently figured out that this special duet was something that two towhees did when they landed in the same bush, but didn’t know it was a pair. What an amazing sound.

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