Lesser Goldfinch juvenile perched on branch at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California

Petaluma Wetlands Alliance Monthly Bird Survey at Shollenberger Park (8/20/19)

Tuesday, August 20, was the bimonthly bird survey at Shollenberger Park for the Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA). The team set out at 7 AM into a cool and cloudy morning.
One of the first birds spotted was this Common Gallinule with its brightly colored shield, bill, and legs. Though this species is easier to see than most others in the Rallidae family – in typical rail fashion, the bird slinked back towards the vegetation as we approached.

Common Gallinule adult wading in pond at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Common Gallinule
Morning wetlands landscape at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Looking southeast towards Ellis Creek

Black-necked Stilts and Snowy Egrets were abundant this August survey. We spied a stilt attempting to infiltrate a group of Snowies.

Black-necked Stilt walking toward a group of Snowy Egrets in a pond at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Oh, hey guys – so this is where the party’s at!
Len Nelson using spotting scope during bird survey at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Survey coordinator Len Nelson scoping the mudflats

Having many pairs of eyes ensures no bird goes uncounted – we’ve got all directions covered!

Group of bird survey volunteers looking through binoculars at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
[L-R] Malcolm, Andy, Mary, Barbara, Miles, John, Len (not pictured – Teresa)
An American Crow enjoyed a nice vantage point from a fence post.

American Crow perched on fence post at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
American Crow

After making a raucous landing with a few of its brethren, this Killdeer carefully inspected the shoreline.

Killdeer adult foraging along shoreline of pond at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California

Our group counted 102 Black-necked Stilts, including several juveniles like this one below. Juveniles typically have faint scalloping on their upper parts and less vibrantly colored legs.

Black-necked Stilt juvenile wading in pond at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Black-necked Stilt juvenile

Black-necked Stilts are often one of the more vocal birds of Shollenberger. Listen to their persistent, squeaky “pip-pip-pip!“-s below.

Peeps are back in town! Though we came upon both Least and Western Sandpipers during our count, Leasts were more abundant. Juvenile sandpipers begin to appear in large numbers throughout the county in August.
In late summer and early fall, crisp and fresh plumage (like these three birds below) is a helpful clue in aging shorebirds – as well as many other types of birds.

Three Least Sandpipers foraging in mud at shoreline of pond at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Least Sandpiper juveniles
Least Sandpiper juvenile standing in pond at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Least Sandpiper juvenile

The Red-necked Phalarope is another member of the Scolopacidae family (sandpipers) we’ve seen a lot across the County lately – the Shollenberger ponds were no exception.

Red-necked Phalaropes swimming in pond at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Red-necked Phalaropes

Common Yellowthroats seemed to be bopping about at every turn.

Common Yellowthroat perched in brush at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Common Yellowthroat

This normally skulky Marsh Wren appeared briefly to sing atop a fence post.

Marsh Wren perched on fence post singing at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Marsh Wren
Bird survey volunteers with binoculars at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Some of PWA’s dedicated volunteers

The trail heading south from the Point Blue Conservation Science building is a great place to look and listen for rails. Though we didn’t catch any glimpses, we did hear multiple Virginia Rails – like this one below.

This juvenile Lesser Goldfinch gave us a nice look at its back feathers as it followed its parent around.

Lesser Goldfinch juvenile perched on branch at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Lesser Goldfinch juvenile

From a small platform above the Petaluma River, we were surprised to discover a concealed Turkey Vulture among the reeds. Who startled who?!

Turkey Vulture standing on ground on mud at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Turkey Vulture

Along the trail, count leader Andy LaCasse stopped to inspect skunk remains.

Hand holding skunk skull with clean teeth at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Pristine skull of a Striped Skunk
Man holding skunk fur and skull smiling at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
A good beard extension – whaddya think?

These young deer along the riverbank of Adobe Creek are just one of many creatures that call the Petaluma wetlands home. Visit PWA’s website to discover three ways you can help support our local wetlands.

Young deer fawns standing in grass and eating along creek at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California
Black-tailed Deer fawns

Despite some noise and activity from a work crew cutting vegetation along the walking paths, our group had an excellent count day at Shollenberger. By the end of the morning, the team had tallied 66 species for PWA’s August 2019 survey – the highest August species count in 8 years!
If you have any questions about this particular count or if you’re interested in participating in future counts, please contact the coordinator/compiler for these surveys, Len Nelson, at lennelsn@comcast.net.

3 thoughts on “Petaluma Wetlands Alliance Monthly Bird Survey at Shollenberger Park (8/20/19)

  1. Well done! Sorry I was unable to be there. I am happy the white faced ibis stuck around because I saw five of them on Sunday!

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