Great Blue Heron at Phillips Gulch Falls

Chasing Waterfalls: Phillips Gulch Falls, Salt Point State Park

Last weekend, we checked out Phillips Gulch Falls at Salt Point State Park with our friends Jen and Clark. This seasonal waterfall flows from Phillips Creek directly into the ocean, surrounded by the rocky Sonoma Coast. It was a gorgeous day, but we hoped the falls would be flowing after recent storms.
The ocean was high and agitated, and waves crashed angrily, sending sea foam and ocean mist skyward.

Phillips Gulch Falls
Phillips Creek flows into Phillips Gulch Waterfall in Salt Point State Park, Jenner, California
Tranquil Phillips Creek

Although this scenic trip wasn’t specifically designated as “birding time,” it was impossible to not take a look at who was around, because, well… we’re always I’m Birding Right Now.

Birding at Sonoma Coast, Salt Point State Park
Sea watchin’ – “Wait, are those grebes way out there???”
Teresa and Jen watching a Song Sparrow chimp-calling

Though this Great Blue Heron blended in with the muted colors of his surroundings, he could not hide his long neck from us.

Great Blue Heron in Salt Point State Park
Great Blue Heron

Splashes of brick red appear on the leading edge of a Great Blue Heron’s wings when it takes flight. Check out the coloration on the feathered upper legs as well.

Great Blue Heron at Phillips Gulch Falls
Great Blue Heron

Several dead purple sea urchins lined the cliffs, likely moved there by gulls doing their part to protect the kelp forest.

Purple sea urchin

Phillips Gulch Falls lies directly north of Stump Beach Cove along Highway 1.

Stump Beach Salt Point State Park
Stump Beach Cove

An Osprey cruised by.

Osprey Sonoma Coast

Great friends, beautiful scenery, a waterfall all to ourselves, and birds – we can’t think of a day better spent!

Birding the sea Salt Point State Park

4 thoughts on “Chasing Waterfalls: Phillips Gulch Falls, Salt Point State Park

  1. The GBH taking flight–what a nice photo. I want to visit Phillips Gulch Falls. Too bad the rains prevented our bird survey at Ellis Creek on Tuesday.

    1. Thanks, JJ! It was nice to see at the survey (as always)! Hope you get out to see Phillips Gulch Falls this season after a rain, it’s not that far of a walk from the road and has a little up/down on the trail but nothing drastic.

Please say hello!