Last week, we had a wonderful morning of birding at Doran Beach in Bodega Bay, California. On the way, we couldn’t resist pulling over to take in the stunning view along Highway 1.
We arrived at Doran Regional Park and the passerines were incredibly active in the brush before the first beach parking lot. We enjoyed looks at Common Yellowthroats, Yellow-rumped Warblers, and six species of sparrows: Lincoln’s, Savannah, White-crowned, Golden-crowned, Song, and this Fox Sparrow preening after a bath.

This majestic young Red-shouldered Hawk surveyed its domain from atop a cypress…

While this introspective male Northern Harrier (aka The Gray Ghost) sat harbor-side and contemplated life.

From the Rich Stallcup Viewing Platform, we saw both species of pelicans.

After we finally pulled ourselves away from the passerines and pelicans, we popped over to Doran Beach and were pleased to find a multi-species shorebird convention in progress!
We gave the shorebirds a wide berth as we walked around to a get a nice sun angle. Teresa crouched down to take some photographs and was surprised and thrilled to see one particular Snowy Plover venturing away from its compadres creeping closer.

We spent an hour watching the birds bathing, feeding, and resting on the shore.

There were also a handful of American Pipits on the beach.

As we were leaving, we came upon this female Brewer’s Blackbird. Just because a bird hangs out near the dumpster doesn’t make it a “trash bird” – a beautiful gal, if you ask us!

We couldn’t have asked for a more perfect morning at Doran Regional Park!
I love your posts and the photographs are beautiful.
You’re also kinda funny.