Lesser Goldfinch perched on skinny willow branch

February Birds

Though the area rain levels were disappointingly low in February, the flipside was an abundance of spring-like birding days. With the relaxation of shelter-in-place restrictions and beautiful weather beckoning us, we made it out several times to enjoy Sonoma County’s bird life. Continue reading “February Birds”

Ferruginous Hawk adult soaring in flight at Jenner Headlands Preserve

Jenner Hawkwatch

For the past three years, we’ve had the pleasure of volunteering for the Jenner Headlands Hawk Migration Project. Counting raptors with other hawkwatch enthusiasts while taking in the views from the Jenner Hawk Overlook is always a special way to spend a day. Continue reading “Jenner Hawkwatch”

Red-winged Blackbird at Shollenberger Park, Petaluma, California

Petaluma Wetlands Alliance Monthly Bird Survey at Shollenberger Park (2/11/19)

Last Monday was the bimonthly bird survey at Shollenberger Park for the Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA). We scored a break in the rain before the atmospheric river arrived and enjoyed a chilly but calm day of counting birds.  Continue reading “Petaluma Wetlands Alliance Monthly Bird Survey at Shollenberger Park (2/11/19)”

Petaluma Wetlands Alliance Monthly Survey at Shollenberger Park (12/11/18)

This past Tuesday was the monthly bird survey at Shollenberger Park for the Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA). Continue reading “Petaluma Wetlands Alliance Monthly Survey at Shollenberger Park (12/11/18)”

Sonoma County Birding: Laguna de Santa Rosa Trail

The Laguna de Santa Rosa is a freshwater wetlands complex and wildlife corridor in Sonoma County consisting of 30,000+ acres. A public trail runs through a small portion of the laguna near Sebastopol that provides great birding opportunities year-round, making it one of our favorite spots in the county. Continue reading “Sonoma County Birding: Laguna de Santa Rosa Trail”