A Four-Wren Day in Morro Bay

We recently stopped in Morro Bay (San Luis Obispo County) for a day and enjoyed the birds and critters. Let’s set the scene… As we strolled the Embarcadero, barking California sea lions and squawking Western Gulls competed for “Most Enthusiastic Welcoming Committee,” while sea otters lounged lazily in the distance. Continue reading “A Four-Wren Day in Morro Bay”

Ferruginous Hawk adult soaring in flight at Jenner Headlands Preserve

Jenner Hawkwatch

For the past three years, we’ve had the pleasure of volunteering for the Jenner Headlands Hawk Migration Project. Counting raptors with other hawkwatch enthusiasts while taking in the views from the Jenner Hawk Overlook is always a special way to spend a day. Continue reading “Jenner Hawkwatch”