Woodpeckers of the Bay Area

Woodpeckers are a delightful family of birds (Picidae) most often found clinging to tree trunks and branches while using their stiff tails to aid in hitching up and around the tree. They forage with long, stout bills by probing tree bark in search of wood-boring beetles, ants, caterpillars, spiders, and larvae. As omnivores, you’ll also see woodpeckers eating fruits, seeds, nuts, acorns, and catkins. Woodpeckers use their powerful bills to communicate by drumming on resonate surfaces and to excavate their nest cavities. Continue reading “Woodpeckers of the Bay Area”

A Few Feathered Friends of Fall

Hello! Hope everyone is having a nice beginning to autumn!
We’re so lucky to live in an area with great birding year-round. Fall is an especially fun time for birding in the county — an exciting mix of spring-breeder stragglers on their way out, migrants passing through, and wintering birds just arriving! Here are a few birds we’ve had the pleasure of encountering recently. Continue reading “A Few Feathered Friends of Fall”

Spotted Sandpiper walking along the river's edge next to pebbles

Sit Spot on the Russian River

We’ve been visiting a sit spot along the Russian River just a 7-minute walk from our house in Guerneville. Last month, we documented several days’ worth of observations. Though this beach is a popular summer hangout, in fall and winter we usually have it all to ourselves.
Sit spots are the shelter-in-place version of birding. Instead of roaming far and wide in active search of our feathered friends, we instead stay put, pull up a chair, and let the natural world unfold in front of our eyes. Continue reading “Sit Spot on the Russian River”

25 Birds of the Redwood Forest & Russian River (Spring Edition)

Coast redwoods and douglas-firs dominate our home patch near the Russian River in Northern California. A short distance from our front door, we can view the river from above and can also access a fire road that winds through the mixed evergreen forest. With spring breeding season in full swing, we wanted to share some species we’re fortunate to observe on a typical walk. Continue reading “25 Birds of the Redwood Forest & Russian River (Spring Edition)”

Bobcat sitting in the grass in Point Reyes California

Marin County Birding: Bear Valley Visitor Center and Earthquake Trail

Last week, we ventured out for a day of birding at Point Reyes National Seashore. We wanted to do a little recon for our upcoming “Birding for Beginners and the Bird-Curious” event with the Point Reyes National Seashore Association, scheduled for November 23. Continue reading “Marin County Birding: Bear Valley Visitor Center and Earthquake Trail”

Pileated Woodpecker in the redwoods, Guerneville, Sonoma County, California

Sit Spot & Ridge Exploration

Sitting in one spot to observe birds is an activity – or rather, an inactivity – we find rewarding. Not only does it immerse us in our natural surroundings, but it tunes us in to the ebbs and flows of bird life. A few weeks ago, we sat quietly in our neighborhood woods to watch and listen to the birds. Continue reading “Sit Spot & Ridge Exploration”