Spotted Sandpiper walking along the river's edge next to pebbles

Sit Spot on the Russian River

We’ve been visiting a sit spot along the Russian River just a 7-minute walk from our house in Guerneville. Last month, we documented several days’ worth of observations. Though this beach is a popular summer hangout, in fall and winter we usually have it all to ourselves.
Sit spots are the shelter-in-place version of birding. Instead of roaming far and wide in active search of our feathered friends, we instead stay put, pull up a chair, and let the natural world unfold in front of our eyes. Continue reading “Sit Spot on the Russian River”

American Robin female with grassy nesting material in beak while standing on the ground in Sonoma County Bay Area Northern California

Home-Patch Breeding Bird Activity

Even the most common bird species offer a wealth of fascination if you simply tune in to the minutia of their daily lives. Breeding season is fantastic for observing behavior, as bird activity is bustling. Our dedicated home-patch birding during the pandemic has allowed us to closely follow the progression of breeding activity in our neighborhood. Continue reading “Home-Patch Breeding Bird Activity”

25 Birds of the Redwood Forest & Russian River (Spring Edition)

Coast redwoods and douglas-firs dominate our home patch near the Russian River in Northern California. A short distance from our front door, we can view the river from above and can also access a fire road that winds through the mixed evergreen forest. With spring breeding season in full swing, we wanted to share some species we’re fortunate to observe on a typical walk. Continue reading “25 Birds of the Redwood Forest & Russian River (Spring Edition)”

Hairy Woodpecker male perched on tree trunk covered in moss in Guerneville California

A Walk in Our Redwoods

We’re always attuned to the bird activity at our house, but since our beloved pup died this past October, it’s been hard to take long walks in the surrounding woods without our boy. But, needing to stay near home and away from others, we’ve mustered up the nerve to face bittersweet reminders and start exploring again.
Just a short walk from our front door is a county fire road that winds through the mixed evergreen forest. We very rarely cross paths with anyone up there, so it fits the bill perfectly for getting a dose of nature while practicing social isolation. Continue reading “A Walk in Our Redwoods”

Juvenile and Fledgling Birds

New Kids on the Block – Juvenile Vocalizations

We’re firmly planted in the summer-birding-is-underrated camp. Not only does summer birding afford us the pleasure of watching young birds go from nestlings to fledglings to awkward little mini-mes, but it also allows us to investigate and document all those weird and confusing sounds. Continue reading “New Kids on the Block – Juvenile Vocalizations”

Pacific Wren in redwood forest in Sonoma County California

Pint-sized Pacific Wren Packs a Powerful Punch!

Yesterday while walking along the creek at Rancho Mark West, we spied our favorite, egg-shaped hermit of a bird popping in and out of crevices near the rushing water. He bopped his way downstream – appearing, disappearing, appearing, disappearing. We followed at a distance and smiled each time he hopped into view and bobbed his body up and down. Continue reading “Pint-sized Pacific Wren Packs a Powerful Punch!”