Last week, we ventured out to Riverfront Regional Park only to find it still closed from the recent flooding. Our next stop, Shiloh Ranch Regional Park, was also closed due to recent storm activity. Taking this as a good prompt to explore somewhere new, we visited Foothill Regional Park in Windsor, California – a 200+ acre park featuring rolling oak woodlands and three ponds. Continue reading “Sonoma County Birding: Foothill Regional Park”
Tag: Bird Vocalizations
20 Birds of the Redwood Forest & Russian River (Winter Edition)
Interested in which birds are around during Spring and Summer? Check out the Spring Edition of 25 Birds of Our Patch – The Redwood Forest & Russian River here!
We live in a beautiful forested area dominated by Coast Redwoods and Douglas-firs near the Russian River in Northern California. We bird our home patch daily, walking through our neighborhood to a fire road that winds through dense conifer forest. With winter soon drawing to a close, we wanted to share some of the species we’re fortunate to encounter on a normal day. Continue reading “20 Birds of the Redwood Forest & Russian River (Winter Edition)”
Sonoma County Birding: Bodega Bay & Doran Regional Park
With another atmospheric river on the horizon, we headed out Saturday for a Bodega Bay runaround. Continue reading “Sonoma County Birding: Bodega Bay & Doran Regional Park”
Our Guest Post for The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Macaulay Library
Back in January, we received a “Thank you for your recording contributions” auto-generated email from The Macaulay Library. The email reported that we’d submitted 320 audio recordings during 2018. Continue reading “Our Guest Post for The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Macaulay Library”
Petaluma Wetlands Alliance Monthly Bird Survey at Shollenberger Park (2/11/19)
Last Monday was the bimonthly bird survey at Shollenberger Park for the Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA). We scored a break in the rain before the atmospheric river arrived and enjoyed a chilly but calm day of counting birds. Continue reading “Petaluma Wetlands Alliance Monthly Bird Survey at Shollenberger Park (2/11/19)”
The Heartwarming and Heartbreaking Story of Billy Gene and Billie Jean, Our Nesting Pair of Northern Rough-winged Swallows
While birding, we typically only get to see a snippet of a bird’s life. In the spring of 2018, however, we had the privilege of observing a pair of Northern Rough-winged Swallows for two months while they nested in our dryer vent. Our keen interest grew into emotional investment as we watched the course of their nesting cycle unfold. But as uplifting as this intimate view was for us, the story ultimately ended in heartbreak. Continue reading “The Heartwarming and Heartbreaking Story of Billy Gene and Billie Jean, Our Nesting Pair of Northern Rough-winged Swallows”