Redwood Region Ornithological Society (RROS) is a Sonoma County bird club that’s been encouraging the study and conservation of birds, other wildlife, and their natural habitat since 1962. RROS offers free birding field trips in Sonoma County and beyond, and publishes the Kite Tales newsletter.
Sonoma County Feminist Bird Club (Sonoma County FBC) is friendly group of bird-nerds, committed to creating a safe and welcoming space for everyone, regardless of their identities, to learn about birds and their environments. Sonoma County FBC is a chapter of the Feminist Bird Club which was established in 2016.
Madrone Audubon Society is the Sonoma County Chapter of the National Audubon Society. Established in 1967, Madrone Audubon promotes education, enjoyment, and protection of the natural world, especially birds. Madrone Audubon offers many free birding field trips throughout the year, publishes the Madrone Leaves newsletter, and hosts a wealth of information on Sonoma County birding on their website.
Marin Audubon Society was established in 1956 with a mission to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats, for the benefit of humanity and the Earth’s biological diversity. Marin Audubon leads free birding field trips in Marin County and publishes a newsletter called The Rail.
Sonoma County Bird Watching Spots is Colin Talcroft’s practical guide to bird watching in Sonoma County, California, featuring recent sightings of interest, Sonoma bird guide, and county birding locations.
The American Birding Association (ABA) is a non-profit organization with a mission to inspire all people to enjoy and protect wild birds. In particular, please review the ABA’s Code of Birding Ethics.
All About Birds is The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s online guide to birds and bird watching – featuring a comprehensive bird guide, bird ID help, articles, and much more.
Birds of North America is the most comprehensive reference for the life histories of over 760 bird species that breed in the United States and Canada. (Subscription required.)
eBird is a citizen science website and app launched in 2002 by The Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society, where users can explore birds and hotspots all around the world, track bird lists, and be a part of the world’s largest birding community.
The Macaulay Library is the world’s premier scientific archive of natural history audio, video, and photographs – featuring over 11-million photos, audio, and videos of 10,000+ bird species.
Xeno-canto is a website dedicated to sharing bird sounds from all over the world.
The Feather Atlas is a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service project promoting feather identification, research, and appreciation by providing high-resolution scans of the flight feathers of North American birds.
eBirdr Channel is the YouTube channel of Larry Bond – featuring a great collection of HD videos of North American birds.

LandPaths is a Sonoma County non-profit organization whose mission is to foster a love of the land in Sonoma County.
Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation is focused on the mission to restore and conserve the Laguna de Santa Rosa and the surrounding wetland communities, and to inspire public appreciation of this Wetland of International Importance.
Marin Audubon Society was established in 1956 with a mission to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats, for the benefit of humanity and the Earth’s biological diversity. Marin Audubon leads free birding field trips in Marin County and publishes a newsletter called The Rail.
Petaluma Wetlands Alliance is a non-profit dedicated to the stewardship, restoration, and expansion of publicly accessible wetlands and associated wildlife habitats.
The Point Reyes Birding & Nature Festival was launched in 2020 by The Environmental Action Committee of West Marin (EAC) to help foster awareness, appreciation and stewardship of the area, while also raising funds for our nonprofit mission to protect and sustain the unique lands, waters, and biodiversity of West Marin.
Redwood Region Ornithological Society is a Sonoma County bird club that’s been encouraging the study and conservation of birds, other wildlife, and their natural habitat since 1962.
Sonoma Land Trust protects the scenic, natural, agricultural and open landscapes of Sonoma County for the benefit of the community and future generations.
Soundscapes to Landscapes (S2L) is a science-based project that seeks to advance animal biodiversity monitoring by making use of Earth-observing satellites.
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods is a non-profit organization that partners with the Russian River Sector of California State Parks to promote, restore and protect the natural and cultural resources in our parks.
West County Hawk Watch is a Northern California-based conservation group with a special interest in helping people learn about the natural history and identification of birds of prey. It organizes the Jenner Headlands Hawk Migration Project to track fall raptor migration.

Kaufman Field Guide to Advanced Birding, Kenn Kaufman
Pete Dunne’s Essential Field Guide Companion, Pete Dunne
Sibley’s Birding Basics, David Allen Sibley
The Warbler Guide, Tom Stephenson & Scott Whittle
What the Robin Knows, Jon Young
Hawks at a Distance, Jerry Liguori
Wild Soundscapes, Bernie Krause
The Genius of Birds, Jennifer Ackerman
A Sand County Almanac, Aldo Leopold
The Hidden Life of Trees, Peter Wohlleben