Today on our neighborhood walk, we encountered this Hairy Woodpecker male excavating a new cavity in a utility pole. His mate was foraging in a tree 20 feet away. Continue reading “Video of a Hard-Working Hairy Woodpecker”
Townsend’s Warbler, Winter Gem of the Conifers
How lucky the West Coast is to harbor the vibrant Townsend’s Warbler during the nonbreeding months! Though we see this bright little jewel almost every winter day here in the mixed conifer forest, each viewing stops us in our tracks. Continue reading “Townsend’s Warbler, Winter Gem of the Conifers”
A Walk in Our Redwoods
We’re always attuned to the bird activity at our house, but since our beloved pup died this past October, it’s been hard to take long walks in the surrounding woods without our boy. But, needing to stay near home and away from others, we’ve mustered up the nerve to face bittersweet reminders and start exploring again.
Just a short walk from our front door is a county fire road that winds through the mixed evergreen forest. We very rarely cross paths with anyone up there, so it fits the bill perfectly for getting a dose of nature while practicing social isolation. Continue reading “A Walk in Our Redwoods”
Birders Flock to Gander at Emperor Goose
Local birder Scott Carey’s report of an adult Emperor Goose at Bodega Head caused a great stir yesterday! Eager for a dose of the outdoors during this pandemic, we ventured out to the Head. However, when we discovered a group of excited birders upon arrival, we opted to keep our social distance. Though it was tempting to say hello to our friends, we decided to return later in the day in hopes of observing the goose among less people. Continue reading “Birders Flock to Gander at Emperor Goose”
PWA Monthly Bird Survey at Shollenberger (2/18/20)
Tuesday, February 18, was the bimonthly bird survey at Shollenberger Park for the Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA). The team was greeted by this lovely sunrise symphony, as performed by The Red-winged Blackbird Orchestra. Continue reading “PWA Monthly Bird Survey at Shollenberger (2/18/20)”
Sonoma County Birding: Cloverdale River Park
With 54 Regional Parks in Sonoma County, there’s so much to explore. We visited Cloverdale River Park for the first time recently, and enjoyed a mellow walk along the riparian forest trail. Continue reading “Sonoma County Birding: Cloverdale River Park”