Last week, we rose extra early and headed out to enjoy the incredibly rich dawn chorus at Santa Rosa Creek Trail. We arrived at first-light and captured this dawn chorus recording at 5:40 AM – about 10 minutes before sunrise. Feast your ears on this magnificent avian symphony! Continue reading “Dawn Chorus at Santa Rosa Creek Trail”
Spring Birding at Santa Rosa Creek Trail
Last week, we enjoyed a wonderful and warm day of birding along Santa Rosa Creek Trail. Wildflowers have popped and the trees are relieved to have begun re-leafing. Continue reading “Spring Birding at Santa Rosa Creek Trail”
February Birds
Though the area rain levels were disappointingly low in February, the flipside was an abundance of spring-like birding days. With the relaxation of shelter-in-place restrictions and beautiful weather beckoning us, we made it out several times to enjoy Sonoma County’s bird life. Continue reading “February Birds”
Our 10 Favorite Bird Audio Recordings From 2020
Recording bird sounds has a been a source of great joy for us, as well as a boon to our birding-by-ear skills. First, making a recording forces us to listen intentionally for much longer than we may have otherwise, which helps commit vocalizations to memory. Then, uploading audio to The Macaulay Library allows us to revisit a recording with the helpful visual addition of its corresponding spectrogram.
In 2020, we uploaded 270 audio recordings to our eBird checklists. We picked our favorites to compile this Top 10 list, presented in chronological order. We hope you enjoy them! Continue reading “Our 10 Favorite Bird Audio Recordings From 2020”
An Afternoon in Bodega Bay
In the recent months of the pandemic, we’ve mainly stayed close to home to do our part to curb holiday spread and then because of the regional stay-at-home order during December and January (now recently lifted). This has meant foregoing our normally frequent visits to the bird-haven that is Bodega Bay.
Yesterday, at long last, we headed to the harbor for the first time in four months. A lovely winter day greeted us – sunny and mild, with barely any wind. Continue reading “An Afternoon in Bodega Bay”
Our 10 Favorite Bird Photos From 2020
Photographing birds has never been our top priority when out birding, but we do appreciate how photographs can help enhance a memory. We’re always amazed how looking at a photo can elicit a vivid recollection of details about the observation or even the whole birding excursion itself.
Here are 10 of our favorite photographs from 2020, presented in chronological order. All photos were taken using a Canon EOS Rebel T2i with a 55-250mm lens. Continue reading “Our 10 Favorite Bird Photos From 2020”