We love Sonoma County’s Regional Parks! A fantastic one is Riverfront Regional Park, which features an easy 2-mile loop trail against a backdrop of idyllic lake scenery. We visited earlier this week, and with the spring-like weather the park was abuzz with birds. Continue reading “Sonoma County Birding: Riverfront Regional Park”
2021 Christmas Bird Count #2: Santa Rosa (12/19/21)
Last Sunday was Redwood Region Ornithological Society’s annual Santa Rosa Christmas Bird Count. The day was cold and overcast, but thankfully without rain.
We began at sunrise at one edge of our territory, deep along a forested stretch of St. Helena Road. At first, we could only hear the water rushing through Mark West Creek — but our ears pricked up at the sound of our first bird of the day — two Pacific Wrens calling loudly. Continue reading “2021 Christmas Bird Count #2: Santa Rosa (12/19/21)”
2021 Christmas Bird Count #1: Eastern Alameda County (12/17/21)
This past Friday we joined our friend Adam Cimino for his section of the 2021 Eastern Alameda County Christmas Bird Count. We lucked out with a brilliantly sunny day for our walk along the Arroyo del Valle Trail. Over a 4-mile stretch of creekside trail, we ended up with 49 species — let’s explore some of the species we spotted. Continue reading “2021 Christmas Bird Count #1: Eastern Alameda County (12/17/21)”
Bodega Bay and a Bug Buffet
Last Friday during a break in the much-welcomed week of rains, we enjoyed a gorgeous day in Bodega Bay.
At Campbell Cove, we discovered several species appeared to be attracted to a particular coyote brush root. As we observed for a bit, it became obvious why — a constant stream of tiny, long-winged insects emanated from the root — a bountiful bug buffet for the birds!
Watch below as an Audubon’s Yellow-rumped Warbler and a Fox Sparrow vie for a spot at the table. Continue reading “Bodega Bay and a Bug Buffet”
Rancho San Rafael Regional Park
Rancho San Rafael Regional Park is a wonderful 580-acre park adjacent to the University of Nevada, Reno. Among many other features, the park hosts The Wilbur D. May Arboretum and Botanical Garden. Continue reading “Rancho San Rafael Regional Park”
More Dawn Birding
After experiencing such a magnificent dawn chorus at Santa Rosa Creek Trail, we craved more dawn birding! The following day, we arrived at Sweetwater Springs Road at 5:13 AM just before first light.
The special “dawn song” of a Western Wood-Pewee greeted us – a reward for waking before the sun. As with many other flycatchers, the dawn song is typically reserved for a short period before sunrise and sometimes at twilight. Continue reading “More Dawn Birding”