During a recent visit to the Reno-Tahoe area, we stopped briefly to bird Swan Lake Nature Study Area, a wetlands habitat in Reno, Nevada. Lightning flashed in the distance and the thunderstorm clouds combined with the sun’s golden hour to produce this insanely gorgeous landscape. Continue reading “Birding Trip Report: Swan Lake Nature Study Area”
Marin County Birding: Bear Valley Visitor Center and Earthquake Trail
Last week, we ventured out for a day of birding at Point Reyes National Seashore. We wanted to do a little recon for our upcoming “Birding for Beginners and the Bird-Curious” event with the Point Reyes National Seashore Association, scheduled for November 23. Continue reading “Marin County Birding: Bear Valley Visitor Center and Earthquake Trail”
PWA Monthly Bird Survey at Shollenberger Park (10/21/19)
The sunrise greeted us with the promise of a wonderful day at Shollenberger Park for October’s Petaluma Wetlands Alliance (PWA) survey. Continue reading “PWA Monthly Bird Survey at Shollenberger Park (10/21/19)”
A Day of Small Surprises
Several small surprises awaited us at the Petaluma wetlands a couple weeks ago. Our day started typically, with various sparrows going about their morning feedings. Continue reading “A Day of Small Surprises”
I’m Crittering Right Now
As we wrote about in our post “10 Things We Learned From Keeping An eBird Checklist 365 Days In A Row,” we love that birding naturally leads to other wildlife encounters. Birding gets us outside, slows us down, and heightens our awareness. We appreciate the opportunity that birding provides to observe and learn more about our local fauna. Continue reading “I’m Crittering Right Now”
Jenner Hawkwatch
For the past three years, we’ve had the pleasure of volunteering for the Jenner Headlands Hawk Migration Project. Counting raptors with other hawkwatch enthusiasts while taking in the views from the Jenner Hawk Overlook is always a special way to spend a day. Continue reading “Jenner Hawkwatch”