In the quaint town of Occidental, an avian curiosity presides atop a historic restaurant. Continue reading “Count Gary, the Fancy Pigeon of Occidental’s Union Hotel”
Category: Bird Profiles
The Heartwarming and Heartbreaking Story of Billy Gene and Billie Jean, Our Nesting Pair of Northern Rough-winged Swallows
While birding, we typically only get to see a snippet of a bird’s life. In the spring of 2018, however, we had the privilege of observing a pair of Northern Rough-winged Swallows for two months while they nested in our dryer vent. Our keen interest grew into emotional investment as we watched the course of their nesting cycle unfold. But as uplifting as this intimate view was for us, the story ultimately ended in heartbreak. Continue reading “The Heartwarming and Heartbreaking Story of Billy Gene and Billie Jean, Our Nesting Pair of Northern Rough-winged Swallows”
Ruby-crowned Kinglet vs. Hutton’s Vireo
Click here for part two of this post – “Bird Quiz #2: Ruby-crowned Kinglet vs. Hutton’s Vireo” – where you can put the pointers below to the test!
Ahh, winter is here! The air is crisp, the day is short, and the rain is coming down. But rain isn’t the only thing dripping from the trees this season – Ruby-crowned Kinglets have invaded Sonoma County! Continue reading “Ruby-crowned Kinglet vs. Hutton’s Vireo”
A Pictorial Study of Dark-eyed Junco Tail Feathers
This morning, we had a couple of hours to kill while waiting for an oil change at our local auto shop in Monte Rio, California. Naturally, we wandered around and birded at nearby Dutch Bill Creek. Continue reading “A Pictorial Study of Dark-eyed Junco Tail Feathers”
Steller’s Jay Said What?!
Steller’s Jays are a familiar sight here in the redwoods of Northern California. These blue-and-black crested corvids are hard to miss. They seem to wreak havoc wherever they go, bouncing between trees in small groups and loudly dominating the feeders at your deck. Continue reading “Steller’s Jay Said What?!”
SLOW DOWN: Poorwill Crossing!
The Common Poorwill (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii) is a mysterious little bird often confused with a rock, sometimes to its detriment. Continue reading “SLOW DOWN: Poorwill Crossing!”