Three men using spotting scopes at overlook at Russian River estuary in Jenner, California

2019 Christmas Bird Count #4: Western Sonoma County (12/29/19)

Last Sunday, we participated in our fourth and final Christmas Bird Count of 2019, Madrone Audubon Society’s Western Sonoma County CBC. Continue reading “2019 Christmas Bird Count #4: Western Sonoma County (12/29/19)”

Turkey Vulture perched on a branch against blue sky in Pleasanton, California

2019 Christmas Bird Count #3: Eastern Alameda County (12/20/19)

A sparkling, sunny morning greeted us in Pleasanton for our friend Adam’s section of the 2019 Eastern Alameda County Christmas Bird Count. Our team set out along the creekside Arroyo del Valle Trail to tally which and how many birds were around. Continue reading “2019 Christmas Bird Count #3: Eastern Alameda County (12/20/19)”

Puffed up Golden-crowned Sparrow birb on branch

10 Good Birbs (I’m Birbing Right Now)

If you’re unfamiliar with the internet slang word “birb,” we can best describe it as a term of endearment used to refer to a ridiculously cute bird. Extra points are given for being particularly round, fluffy, or silly. For a more in-depth introduction to birbs, check out this recent Audubon article: When Is a Bird a ‘Birb’? An Extremely Important Guide. Continue reading “10 Good Birbs (I’m Birbing Right Now)”

Close up of Wild Turkey face at Olompali State Historic Park

2019 Christmas Bird Count #2: Cheep Thrills (12/19/19)

Last Thursday, we joined Rich Cimino and Janet Bodle of Yellowbilled Tours at Olompali for the 2019 North Marin Cheep Thrills Christmas Bird Count. Continue reading “2019 Christmas Bird Count #2: Cheep Thrills (12/19/19)”

2019 Christmas Bird Count #1: Santa Rosa (12/15/19)

It’s CBC season!!!!
We kicked off the season this past Sunday with Redwood Region Ornithological Society’s annual Santa Rosa Christmas Bird Count. Gloriously clear skies awaited us – a complete and welcome contrast to last year’s ultra-rainy count. Continue reading “2019 Christmas Bird Count #1: Santa Rosa (12/15/19)”