With 54 Regional Parks in Sonoma County, there’s so much to explore. We visited Cloverdale River Park for the first time recently, and enjoyed a mellow walk along the riparian forest trail.
We spied this duck floating in the current of the Russian River – can you tell who this bold patterning belongs to?

None other than the beautiful male Common Merganser, of course!

This lone Double-crested Cormorant sat atop its presumed favorite perch in the afternoon glow.

A Hairy Woodpecker announced itself loudly before we spotted it nearby in a tree.
Then, our adrenaline rushed when this gorgeous Merlin flew in and landed just 15 feet from us. Unconcerned with its audience, the falcon performed some calisthenics while keeping a vigilant eye out.

As the sun’s golden hour descended back near the parking lot, three Lesser Goldfinches blended in seamlessly to the alder catkins upon which they foraged.

As we departed, a flock of Cedar Waxwings bid us adieu with their high-pitched serenade.

Thanks guys!
Always good to spend a vicarious afternoon with you.
We’re glad you could join us, sir!