Last year, we began leading bird walks geared towards beginners. Helping these first-time birders get to know the local birds has been incredibly rewarding.
The delight a new birder expresses when getting their first magnified look at a vibrant American Goldfinch or a perched Red-shouldered Hawk brings us so much joy. Sharing this experience is a great way to keep our eyes fresh and serves as a terrific reminder of just how amazing each and every one of these flying wonders of evolution is. Our habit of dismissing a soaring, majestic, recycling-factory-of-a-bird as “just a Turkey Vulture” can be difficult to keep at bay, but we’ve discovered leading these walks is a great antidote.
We put together the following “Tips for Beginning Birders,” which includes the pointers we discuss on our bird walks and much more.
Here’s to the wonderful world of birds!

Hi Miles and Teresa—-yes, I think birding with new birders is such fun too. It makes you pay attention to casual remarks and assumptions. Oh, and Rich Stallcup would have said “yes, but it is THAT Turkey Vulture”! Which I think is what you have learned here. Take care. Kathleen
Hi Kathleen, thanks for saying hello! That is so true – we learn, and are prompted to go research so many things each time we lead a walk. It’s been so much fun. We never met Rich Stallcup, unfortunately, but his influence is still felt through the many stories and quotes that folks have shared with us. It’s always rewarding to get to know THAT individual bird as best you can! Hope you are well =)