We enjoyed a Bodega Bay runaround this past Thursday. The weather was gorgeous and mild for January, with hardly any wind. Here are some of the many wonderful birds we saw.

A few of these birds are not like the others – can you spot them?

A couple of Dunlin!

But wait! There’s one more, and it’s a special one – a Snowy Plover!

We’re so grateful to be able to see Snowy Plovers regularly because they’re just so stinkin’ cute. Let us count the ways…
They’re cute while standing.

They’re cute while walking.

And they’re especially cute while loafing!

We came across a couple of clever corvid cousins.

While scanning the Surf Scoters in Campbell Cove, we glimpsed a tiny sliver of white on the side of one – hooray, a White-winged Scoter! Soon after, it took flight and flashed its namesake white wing in all its glory.

We watched this Willet fly in… who do you think he joined?

A large group of Marbled Godwits, of course! They were engaged in an intense session of self-maintenance.
This one scratched itself.

And this one scratched itself.

And this one scratched itself.

And this one scratched it– wait, that’s not a Godwit!

This Godwit attempted its best Ralph Macchio à la Karate Kid pose.

This Godwit still couldn’t believe his buddies weren’t buying his tall tale.

He hid his head as the others laughed at him.

The flock moved on and that was our cue to head back home to the redwoods.

Teresa & Miles: what a great blog and thanks for sharing. So happy you are joining as monitors! -Ellie&Patrick
Hi Ellie and Patrick! Thanks! We’re really looking forward to next seabird monitoring season – hope to see you soon. – M&T
Wow! I love your blog!
Thanks, Beth! It’s always nice to hear when people are enjoying it =)